new title

Johnny Allen Gets A Job

John was a business development person (sales?) at Tornado who was made redundant in one of the many swatches cut through the ranks in the lead up to Tornado's merger with Virtue. In the meanwhile the search for work has been poor and John was flogging his TVR (partly because it broke down again) and said he'd look after my car in the meanwhile.

That was all well and good until he just goes and gets himself a job. Selfish bugger. What about me and my car?

Still good luck to him -- hopefully he understood my explanation of XML! Actually, he quite quickly picked up on the fact that one of this company's products was the spitting image of Tornado's Vendor Toolkit. The only difference being that this new company is selling a real toolkit. Tornado obliged vendors to use its proprietary software.

In the meanwhile I have to secretly plan how to tell my friend Nick, who's kindly looking after all my possessions that he now has to find room for a car for a bit. I trust we won't have to try and squeeze it into the loft. It's a big enough loft but I don't fancy getting the car up the stairs...